U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2023 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 1 and run through noon Eastern on March 18, 2022. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives will be able to complete and submit their registrations using our online H-1B registration system.

A confirmation number will be assigned to each registration.
Please note that this number is only meant to track registrations and not to check case status online.
All registrations need to happen only via a myUSCIS online account and each beneficiary needs to be registered separately electronically for the selection process.
The fees for each individual registration is $10.
Prospective petitioners submitting their own registrations (U.S. employers and U.S. agents, collectively known as “registrants”) will use a “registrant” account. Registrants will be able to create new accounts beginning at noon Eastern on Feb. 21.
Representatives may add clients to their accounts at any time, but both representatives and registrants must wait until March 1 to enter beneficiary information and submit the registration with the $10 fee. Prospective petitioners or their representatives will be able to submit registrations for multiple beneficiaries in a single online session. Through the account, they will be able to prepare, edit, and store draft registrations prior to final payment and submission of each registration.
If USCIS receives enough registrations by March 18, they will randomly select registrations and send selection notifications via users’ myUSCIS online accounts. They intend to notify account holders by March 31.
An H-1B cap-subject petition (basically the actual application), including a petition for a beneficiary who is eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may only be filed if the beneficiary's name is selected in this H-1B registration process.
Source: USCIS